Tiered Pricing

This year, Camp Luther is continuing to offer tiered pricing. You choose the tier most suitable for your family, no questions asked. All campers receive the same camp experience regardless of what families pay. We are doing this to continue to provide a high-quality Christian experience for all campers.

When you choose tiers 2 and 3, you take an active role in supporting the true cost of your child’s camp experience, which enables Camp Luther to direct donor contributions to support other areas of need, including staffing, facility upgrades, and making camp possible for any child who wants to attend.

In addition to these rates, additional financial assistance is available to ensure that all children have the opportunity to attend camp. With questions or to request financial assistance, contact our office.

Still have questions? Call us at 402-352-5655 or email us at campluther@campluther.org

Tier 1

Tier 1 is the rate we are available to offer thanks to contributions from our donors. This is comparable to rates from previous years.

Tier 2

Tier 2 is a partially supported rate for families that can pay more than tier 1, but cannot afford the actual cost of camp.

Tier 3

Tier 3 most closely represents the actual cost of camp including staffing, meals, facilities, and programming.